NBRGC Pistol Activities
What is your interest Target, real live scenarios, International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA), Failing Steel Plates, or shoot on your own following safety and club rules.
For information on scheduling refer to “When Can I Shoot” on the home page and the calendar click here
The club has an indoor range for scheduled shoots (frangible ammo only), A 100 yard range, Three 25 yard ranges, A trap house, and a station to pattern in your shoot gun. Pistol bays have falling steel plates.

Tuesday evenings: 6pm until either daylight or ammunition runs out. Open to ladies of all skill levels, ages, in heels or sneakers. We welcome anyone interested in learning and honing their skills with hand guns and rifles. Are you a woman member looking for more range time? Have a wife, daughter, mom, sister, girlfriend, who has interest in shooting? Join us at the club for a cup of Steve’s famous coffee, some great company, laughs, and plenty of lead!