NBRGC Archery
The North Berwick Rod & Gun Club’s indoor and outdoor facilities continue to offer some of Maine’s best archery shooting opportunities for members and guests. Archery in New England typically consists of four different types of shooting ranges. During in- clement weather especially during the winter people use the 20-yard indoor range. When weather permits the other ranges used are the outdoor 10 to 80-yard range, the outdoor 3D range for more realistic hunting practice, and the outdoor field range similar to the 3D range except archers shoot at paper targets on bales instead of 3D animals. During the past few years, the club has built three of these four types of archery ranges. Members may shoot indoors year-round on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and on Mondays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm after air gun during the winter months. There is plenty of room for additional members to shoot indoors on these days. Members can also shoot outdoors at any time of the year using the outdoor shooting range located on the right-hand side of the indoor range building. In addition, the club also has an outdoor 3-D twelve-animal range located on the left side of Butler road on club property. Access to this range is located on the left of the last pistol bay.
For those new to archery, the club offers instruction on target shooting and safe hunting. If you are interested in learning to shoot a bow, our senior archers some of who are level-one instructors will work with you to teach the basics of safe shooting. For those who wish to bow hunt, in 2023 the club will be scheduling another Maine bow hunter safety course sometime this summer. People will need to visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website for the dates and to register.
For members who wish to compete in archery shoots, the club is a member of the Maine Archery Association (MAA) who has organized archery tournaments for several years. This past year, the club hosted five MAA archery tournaments, three in the winter and two in the summer. Our next indoor MAA shoots will be held on Sunday, January 22, 2023 and February 19, 2023.
If you already shoot a bow and want to hone your skills, or if you would like to try shooting and need some instruction, visit us on Thursday evenings between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm